Sunday, 11 August 2013

Day 7b...and the moment you have all been waiting for...Safari #1

After lunch it was finally time for our first Safari! Personally, I was having such an amazing journey with all the people we had met that I had almost forgotten about the safari, so was very excited when the time actually was almost like a secret surprise!

The trip got off to a bumpy start with a flat tire (actually, given the rocky, dirt roads it was surprising this was our first flat) but James and our driver quickly fixed it....and we were not eaten by lions while waiting, lol!

Fixing the flat...Maasai style!
Speaking of secret surprises...we were kind of shocked when stopped so early into the safari and asked to get out for a surprise. Judging by the poop I thought we were going to see some elephants but low and behold it was the last two white rhinos in the Mara!! How cool is that??

One of the rhinos just munching away

Me probably a bit too close to the rhino - note to self, never turn your back on a rhino!

The rest of the safari was pretty cool....beautiful landscapes, lots of zebras and "brown animals" are the pics!

Pumbas (wart hogs)!

Everyone loved the warthogs, they are pretty hilarious. They run away with their tails in the air (not very well hidden) and then suddenly stop running because they forgot why they were running! (Inside joke - these could be Heeroo's with their CRS! lol)

Baby zebra (cute and fuzzy with brown stripes)

Very large male giraffe striking a pose

Thomson's gazelles (my favourite brown thing)

James and Jackson - my favourite Maasai Warriors!

The perfect end to the perfect day, a beautiful sunset!


  1. OK, so I'm loving the Safari day. All the animals are so beautiful as the your Maasai warriors, but there is none more beautiful than an African sunset. Bet your mom is loving that shot as partial as she is to sunsets!

  2. Thanks Viv! So glad I could share this with all of you and I'm happy you are enjoying it! :)
