Sunday, 12 April 2015

Same stuff, different country?

I had a couple of "revelations" this second week in Nairobi.


I'm still totally enamoured with my apartment and all the comforts of home that I've been able to find here. I mean, Nakumatt is pretty much Walmart and the other day I nearly bought a pair of Sketchers at Bata (remember that store?!). Any thoughts of losing weight living on beans and legumes have gone out the window with the discovery of Lays and Cadbury. In fact, if you have money you can live VERY well here in Nairobi. And that's kind of the problem.

My apartment & flowers my flatmate bought

Groceries...for one week! (not my yoga mat)

Yep, they even have Nutella
I'm starting to wonder if all of us "aid" workers living it up over here are really helping or contributing to the problem. I don't mean in the nature of our work but in our lifestyle. For example, we're working so hard to improve the education system in Kenya but everyone's children go to international schools. If we succeed in curriculum reform will all the expats put their kids in local schools? Hhhhmmmm.


The other epiphany I had was more about myself. Here I am on this grand "adventure" but have not been too adventurous so far. Whenever I move to a new city my main goal is to not get lost. So far I have successfully memorised the most direct route from my apartment to my office, the cafeteria, and the grocery store.

1. an exciting or very unusual experience.
2. participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises: the spirit of adventure.
3. a bold, usually risky undertaking; hazardous action of uncertain outcome.
4. a commercial or financial speculation of any kind; venture.
5. Obsolete.
  1. peril; danger; risk.
  2. chance; fortune; luck.

Let me back up a bit. Here is what happened this week.

On Thursday one my co-workers offered to buy me lunch because I shared my pizza with him last week on our way to a meeting. The queue at the cafeteria was huge so he suggested we eat somewhere else. But where?! I knew there were other places to eat on campus but had yet to look for them. We didn't have to venture too far to find the Delegates restaurant and had a lovely lunch.

Friday was an amazing day - I got my new security pass (name finally corrected) and a UNICEF lanyard (this was actually quite the accomplishment as they don't give them out that easily, especially to interns) then we had a team meeting and my boss let me give the updates on the week's meeting with the Ministry. And then, we all went for Friday coffee...and literally walked 20 paces past the cafeteria to a coffee shop and bakery that I had no idea existed! I've been craving a simple sandwich for lunch since I started and all I had to do was keep walking. (Sidebar, we finish work at 2pm on Fridays, hooray!).

Saturday I didn't feel like cooking so I went downstairs to the restaurant to pick something up for dinner. It was closed :( And my flatmate says to me "The Mediterranean restaurant will still be open". Umm, what Mediterranean restaurant?! The one that is 100 meters down the street....literally.

Mediterranean restaurant
Ok Universe, no need to hit me over the head, I have made a resolution to be more adventurous going forward. Even if I get lost.

So far I walked to the mall, explored every nook and cranny, and came back after a taxi. Ok, baby steps peoples, I'm still investigating the safety issues here! I also walked over to the UN complex and found the gym (and recreation centre) and today I will actually work out.

One of 3 tennis courts

So, we shall see how I feel about working and living over here as the weeks and months go by (I did come across a consulting firm that I'm excited to learn more about) and also what I find as I get lost in my travels around the neighbourhood, city, and country. Stay tuned!



1 comment:

  1. So enjoying your adventures, Tash and so impressed by your skills and savoir fare. Blog on, cuz. xoxox
